"Signal processing considerations in NMR detection of liquid explosives", Lowell J. Burnett and Dale R. McKay,, Proc. SPIE 1824, Applications of Signal and Image Processing in Explosives Detection Systems 212, April 1, 1993.
"Single-Sided Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) for Moisture Content Evaluation of Composites", D. R. McKay and L.J. Burnett, Final Report to the U.S. Naval Air Engineering Center NWCADLKE-MISC-02-T-0022, 277 pages, February 1993.
"NDE of Adhesive Cure and Thickness Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance", L.J. Burnett, D. R. McKay and E.E. Magnuson, Proceedings of the First Annual ASNT Research Symposium, Orlando, FL, pages 270-271, March 1992.
"Single-Sided Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) for Moisture Content Evaluation of Composites", D. R. McKay and L.J. Burnett, Year-One Report to the U.S. Naval Air Engineering Center NAEC-MISC-02T-045, 45 pages, February 1992.
"A One-Sided Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) System for Monitoring Solid Rocket Motors", L.J. Burnett, E.E. Magnuson and D. R. McKay, Final Report to Hercules Incorporated on P.O. Number ARIB10203, 115 pages, October 1991.
"Liquid Explosives Screening System", D. R. McKay, C.R. Moeller, E.E. Magnuson and L.J. Burnett, Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Explosive Detection Technology, Atlantic City, NJ, pages 454-464, November 1991.
"Glass Bottle Contents Verification System," D. R. McKay and L.J. Burnett, Final Report on U.S. Department of Transportation Contract Number DTRS-57-88-C-00118, 58 pages, May 1989.
"Characterization of Coal Chars from a Flash Pyrolysis Process by Cross Polarization/Magic Angle Spinning 13 C NMR," M.M. Chou, D.R. Dickerson, D. R. McKay, and J.S. Frye, Liquid Fuels Technology 2, 375 (1984).
"Spectroscopic Studies of Chemically Modified Silica Surfaces," D.E. Leyden, D.S. Kendall, L.W. Burgraff, and D. R. McKay , 14th Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (1984).
"The Optimum Field for Solid-State MAS NMR," D. McKay , J. Frye, M. Seger, T. Early and G. Maciel, 23rd Experimental NMR Conference, Poster A-36 (1984).
"NMR Studies of Pyridine on Silica-Alumina," G.E. Maciel, I-Ssuer Chuang, B.L. Hawkins, T.A. Early, D. R. McKay and L. Petrakis, Journal of the American Chemical Society 105, 5529 (1983).
"(1,1'Ferrocenediyl) Dimethylsilane. An Electroactive Monolayer Derivating Reagent. Characterization of Surface-O-Dimethyl Silylferrocene by Cyclic Voltemmetry and Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance," A.B. Fisher, J.A. Bruce, D. R. McKay, G.E. Maciel and M.S. Wrighton, Inorganic Chemistry 21, 1766 (1982).
"Proton and C-13 Studies on Naptha and Light Distillate Saturate Hydrocarbon Fractions Obtained From In Situ Shale Oil," D.A. Netzel, D. R. McKay, R.A. Hepner, F.D. Guffy, S.D. Cooke, D.L. Varie and D.E. Linn, Fuel 60, 307 (1982).
"Proton and C-13 Studies on Naptha and Light Distillate Saturate Hydrocarbon Fractions Obtained From In Situ Shale Oil," D.A. Netzel, D. R. McKay, R.A. Hepner, F.D. Guffy, S.D. Cooke, D.L. Varie and D.E. Linn, Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance 2, 45 (1981).
"A Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Study of the Molecular Rotations of Ethane and Propane", D.R. McKay, Ph.D., Department of Physics and Astronomy, (1980, December).
"A Simple Spin-Echo Spectrometer", B.H. Muller, J.D. Noble, L.J. Burnett, J.F. Harmon, and D. R. McKay, American Journal of Physics 42, 58 (1974).